Pork And Chickpea Stew Recipe In A Pressure Cooker

Imagine the delightful aroma of a warm and hearty stew, filled with tender pork and nutritious chickpeas, wafting through your kitchen. This mouthwatering Pork and Chickpea Stew recipe is the perfect blend of flavors, cooked to perfection in a pressure cooker. With its quick cooking time and delectable combination of ingredients, this recipe is guaranteed to satisfy your taste buds and leave you craving for more. Get ready to embrace the convenience and deliciousness of this amazing dish that will surely become a staple in your culinary repertoire.

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To make a delicious and hearty pork and chickpea stew, you will need the following ingredients:

Pork shoulder

Pork shoulder is the star of this stew. Its rich flavor and tender texture make it perfect for slow-cooking methods like pressure cooking. Look for a boneless pork shoulder roast at your local grocery store or butcher.


Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, add a wonderful creaminess to the stew and pack it with fiber and protein. You can use canned chickpeas for convenience, or soak dried chickpeas overnight and cook them before adding them to the stew.


Onion serves as the base flavor for many dishes, and this stew is no exception. Whether you prefer white, yellow, or red onion, chop it up finely to infuse the stew with its aromatic flavor.


Garlic adds depth and complexity to the stew. Mince a few cloves to release their flavors and give the dish a robust taste.


Carrots not only provide vibrant color to the stew but also contribute a hint of sweetness. Peel and chop them into bite-sized pieces for even cooking.

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Potatoes add substance to the stew and help to thicken the broth. Choose waxy potatoes like Yukon gold or red potatoes, as they hold their shape and texture well during cooking.

Tomato paste

Tomato paste brings a tangy and slightly sweet flavor to the stew. A couple of tablespoons will provide a rich tomato base that balances the other flavors perfectly.

Chicken broth

Chicken broth serves as the liquid base for the stew, infusing it with savory goodness. You can use store-bought chicken broth or make your own at home for an extra special touch.

Smoked paprika

Smoked paprika adds a smoky, earthy flavor to the stew, elevating it to a whole new level. Use it sparingly, as a little goes a long way.

Ground cumin

Ground cumin adds warmth and depth to the stew, enhancing the overall flavor profile. Just a teaspoon or two will enhance the other spices and ingredients.

Salt and pepper

Salt and pepper are essential seasonings that bring all the flavors together. Season the stew to taste, adjusting the amounts as needed.


Before you start cooking, it’s essential to prepare all your ingredients. This ensures a smooth and efficient cooking process. Here’s how you can get everything ready:

Preparing the ingredients

  1. Wash and pat dry the pork shoulder. Cut it into small, bite-sized chunks, trimming any excess fat.

  2. Drain and rinse the chickpeas if using canned. If using dried chickpeas, soak them overnight and cook them according to the package instructions.

  3. Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic cloves.

  4. Peel and chop the carrots and potatoes into bite-sized pieces.

Sautéing the pork and onions

  1. Turn on your pressure cooker and select the sauté function. Once it’s hot, add a drizzle of oil and sauté the pork until browned on all sides. This step adds a depth of flavor to the stew.

  2. Add the chopped onions to the pressure cooker and sauté for a few minutes until they become translucent.

Adding the remaining ingredients

  1. Stir in the chopped garlic and sauté for another minute until fragrant.

  2. Add the carrots and potatoes to the pot, followed by the tomato paste. Mix everything together, ensuring that the tomato paste evenly coats the ingredients.

  3. Pour in the chicken broth, making sure it covers the ingredients. If needed, add more broth or water until everything is submerged.

  4. Season the stew with smoked paprika, ground cumin, salt, and pepper. Stir well to distribute the seasonings throughout the stew.

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Cooking in the pressure cooker

  1. Close the pressure cooker lid and set the cooking time according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The cooking time for pork and chickpea stew in a pressure cooker is usually around 25-30 minutes.

  2. Once the cooking time is complete, allow the pressure to release naturally.

Releasing the pressure

After the stew has finished cooking, it’s essential to release the pressure before opening the lid. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Natural release: Simply let the pressure cooker sit for about 10-15 minutes until the pressure has naturally dissipated. You can then open the lid and check the stew.

  2. Quick release: Carefully use the quick release valve of your pressure cooker to release the pressure. Be cautious as the steam will be hot. Once the pressure has been released, you can open the lid and check the stew.

Serving the stew

Once you have released the pressure and opened the lid, you’ll be greeted with a fragrant and hearty pork and chickpea stew. Ladle it into bowls and garnish with fresh herbs, such as parsley or cilantro, for a pop of color and freshness. Serve the stew with warm crusty bread on the side to soak up every last bit of the flavorful broth.

Tips and Variations

While the basic pork and chickpea stew recipe is delicious on its own, feel free to make it your own by trying out these tips and variations:

Using different cuts of pork

If you’re unable to find pork shoulder or prefer a different cut of pork, there are alternatives you can use in this stew. Pork tenderloin, pork loin, or even boneless pork chops can be substituted. Keep in mind that different cuts may have varying cooking times and texture, so adjust the cooking time and preparation accordingly.

Adding additional vegetables

To make the stew even heartier and more nutritious, consider adding additional vegetables. Vegetables like bell peppers, celery, or even zucchini can be a great addition. Just chop them into bite-sized pieces and add them along with the carrots and potatoes.

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Adding spices and herbs

While the recipe includes smoked paprika and ground cumin for flavor, you can experiment with other spices and herbs to personalize the stew. For a little heat, try adding some chili powder or crushed red pepper flakes. If you love herbs, fresh thyme or rosemary can complement the flavors beautifully.

Serving suggestions

Pork and chickpea stew is delicious on its own, but you can also serve it with various accompaniments to enhance the meal. Here are a few serving ideas:

  • Pair the stew with some fluffy rice or creamy mashed potatoes for a complete and satisfying meal.
  • Top the stew with a dollop of sour cream or Greek yogurt for a creamy and tangy touch.
  • Serve the stew alongside a fresh and crisp salad for a balanced and refreshing contrast.

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Nutritional Information

The exact nutritional information for this pork and chickpea stew recipe will vary based on the specific ingredients and quantities used. However, generally speaking, this stew is a wholesome and nutritious meal that offers a good balance of protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals.

Pork shoulder is relatively high in calories but provides a good amount of protein. Chickpeas, on the other hand, are an excellent source of plant-based protein and fiber. The addition of vegetables like carrots and potatoes contributes essential vitamins and minerals. Overall, this hearty stew offers a well-rounded and satisfying meal option.


Pork and chickpea stew in a pressure cooker is a comforting and flavorful dish that can be prepared with ease. This recipe allows you to enjoy the savory goodness of tender pork, creamy chickpeas, and hearty vegetables in a fraction of the time it would take for traditional slow-cooking methods. With a few simple steps and a handful of ingredients, you’ll have a delicious and nutritious meal ready to be enjoyed by family and friends. So, grab your pressure cooker and get ready to savor the delightful flavors of this pork and chickpea stew!

Learn more about the Pork And Chickpea Stew Recipe In A Pressure Cooker here.